Wednesday 29 February 2012

Fuzzy February

'Snow bud Cluster' pin
Silver & labradorites

It has been a hectic month both in work and play. We have had enquiries after enquiries about our 'Make Your Own Wedding Ring' service. Something we think may have to do with a 'Don't Tell The Bride' episode last week where the Groom was making wedding rings for himself and his Wife-to-be. It has been a bit crazy to say the least! Keep them bookings coming in though! :)

I haven't been working much at the bench since Christmas, but I have yesterday, just sent off a new group of work to Byard Art Gallery in Cambridge and have also returned to an old stockist of mine, Ferrers Gallery in Leicester. If you're in those areas, go and take a look :)

Applications for this, that and the other has taken up most of my time. More on these later if any of them are successful, but for now I'll zip my lips:)

Oh and just to quickly remind you that there is only one more day to visit the Visual Arts Scotland Annual Exhibition at the RSA Upper Galleries on The Mound. The pin above is currently on show as part of my 'Snow Bud & Floral' collection.

Apart from all this work business, it has been party month to say the least! Birthday parties (including mine) engagements, and general booziness! It's time for a detox!


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